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UCI Esports Arena: Breaking Boundaries in Competitive Gaming

UCI Esports Arena: Breaking Boundaries in Competitive Gaming

For those who are looking to get started in the world of esports, the University of California Irvine offers a wide range of collegiate esports, where competitors will enjoy duking it out at their esports arena. The UC Irvine college campus has one of the biggest collegiate esports programs in North America, where players, developers, and gaming enthusiasts flourish in every genre. 

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ggLeap Milestone: 100 University Clients on the Platform!

ggLeap Milestone: 100 University Clients on the Platform!

In the summer of 2016, ggCircuit received a phone call. The introductory line utilized was, "I hear you're building management software." This call was from Jesse Wang, then the leader of the UC Irvine Esports club. While ggLeap was in its extreme alpha phases but was rapidly being adopted through a grassroots movement, this was met with "Yes, how can we help?". At that time UC Irvine was working on becoming the first public university to have a dedicated esports arena. They had tried out the competition and didn't feel those programs met the heightened security of the UC Irvine campus network.

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